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Weekdays : 8am to 5pm
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
The company is a services business, it will provide the services necessary to grow the activities of commercial directed research and consulting projects and related activity. It will do this by implementing a platform business model as shown in the attached “business canvas”.
UCE has the responsibility to execute all short learning programmes. The company will partner with UCE by using its Business Development capability to sell courses that UCE then run. The platform will enable this partnership with seamless handover of clients and visibility for the Business Development Manager that the promise sold has been delivered.
From the company’s perspective it would like to partner with you to make such activities more efficient, relieve you of some less creative components and enable you to grow that activity without constraining core academic activity. The vision for the company is to become excellent at facilitating such projects that it becomes the locus of such activity in NWU because of the benefits it brings - irrespective of whether the University makes policy decisions in this regard.
As an employee of the University the University policy regarding such payments will be followed.
You will be invited to register as a member on the Platform which essentially means sharing your areas of capability and interest. The membership list will be actively curated and managed. Registration is free and does not carry any obligations. Benefits of registration will evolve over time. Initially it will simply make it easy for your colleagues to find out about and contact you. You may receive invitations to join a project team. You may be contacted if an external company is looking for your expertise. You will receive invitations to events where people will talk about experiences and opportunities. In all the above you are free to decline the invitation.
As an employee of the University the Company needs to obtain written approval from your line manager for your involvement which would include sight of the time required, payments to be made to you, expected surplus to be generated and the basis of distribution of the surplus. In the case of such work having negative impacts on the academic project you and your line manager should develop mitigating actions that may become part of the project budget and deliverables. If in some circumstances you are unable to secure the time to work on the project the Company will have to find someone else to do the work.
We invite you to partner with us at NWU Enterprises, where we’re growing knowledge into ventures that make a difference. Together, we’ll continue to explore new possibilities, turning ideas into impactful actions.